Brian Gilmore Memorial

Scholarship Name: Brian Gilmore Memorial

Status: CLOSED – Will not be offered for 2019-2020

Posted Date: February 12, 2019

Due Date: March 30, 2019

Brian was born in Lynn, MA on June 7, 1963. He excelled in school, graduating from Lynn English High School Class of 1981 and Bryant College in 1985.  Upon graduation, he worked for the Massachusetts State Auditor’s Office.  He later received his Master’s degree in Political Science from Northeastern University.   Brian spent many years working for the Federal Government at the Tip O’Neill Building in Boston at the office of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).   He transferred to the Miami, Florida office in 2001 where he became the Director of HUD for the Southeastern Florida Region.  Brian was passionate about traveling and learning about other cultures.  He leaves a legacy of having friends all across the country and around the world. Brian was just a nice guy.  He lived in such a way that if anyone said anything bad about him, no one would believe it.  He was patient, kind and understanding of others.  He excelled in his career because he was open-minded and wanted to assist others.


  1. Student must be a legal U.S. citizen student attending an accredited college, or university.
  2. Must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher (academic transcript must be provided)
  3. Must complete cover sheet and minimum 500 word essay.
  4. All documents have to be received by the B.S.G. scholarship by March 30, 2019.
  5. The essay must describe in detail why you are deserving of this scholarship and what your future plans include.  Also, include how you plan to promote cultural diversity, study of other cultures and practice acceptance. Please refer back to the introduction page to learn more about Brian’s life and how he lived.

For an application, click Gilmore Application