Cell Signaling Technology

Scholarship Name: Cell Signaling Technology

Status: CLOSED

Posted Date: October 16, 2019

Due Date: April 10,

CST believes that scientific endeavor is instrumental in solving critical social, environmental, and technical challenges that societies face worldwide. Our company’s mission is to deliver the highest quality research tools that accelerate progress in biological research and personalized medicine and we depend on our local schools to inspire young people to choose a career committed to science. We hope to provide guidance to students in choosing a path that could help nurture their interest in science while providing a sense of financial security for their upcoming years in college.

CST in part with Essex County Community Foundation will again be awarding four local students with $10,000 scholarships! All of the requirements are due by April 10th.

There are new essay questions to better provoke thought and scientific interest.
1. Science is all around us. Through gardening, cooking, and stargazing: pick a hobby or activity you do at least once a week and explain how science is involved (in 400-500 words)
2. You’ve just reached your 1 millionth hit on your Youtube video!! Please explain in 400-500 words what your video is about.

We will be awarding the students on the senior awards night (if applicable). Our website page for Scholarships is currently being renovated with this new information, but eventually, this info will be able to be found on the web by clicking CST.

Senior high school students with a GPA of 3.5 or above, wishing to pursue a four year accredited college to major in a STEM-related field are encouraged to apply. A full list of eligibility requirements are as follows:
1. Must be in the 12th grade of high school.
2. Possess strong English skills and be a legal resident of the United States of America.
3. Must be attending a four-year public academic high school in Lynn, Salem, Peabody, Danvers, Beverly, or Gloucester.
4. Be eligible for free/reduced lunch or be the first in their family to go to college (neither parent went to college). Additional criteria for financial need may be defined by the CST Scholarship Committee if necessary.
5. Must have a minimum 3.5 GPA in high school. The CST Scholarship Committee shall have the discretion to consider a Scholar with a GPA of 3.0 or higher if that student demonstrates outstanding interest and potential in a science field through extracurricular activities, jobs, internships, volunteer activities, etc.
6. Must have completed or are enrolled to complete an upper-level AP class in one of the following courses: biology, chemistry, physics, or environmental science.