Spada Law Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Name: Spada Law Scholarship Fund
Status: CLOSED
Posted Date: December 4, 2019
Due Date: February 1, 2020
The Spada Law Scholarship Fund is an award for any graduating senior within the 10 cities selected (see below) who has overcome a challenging situation and has risen above to push forward. The Spada Law Group Scholarship has a brief submission process, and applicants will be judged on their ability to convey their story of challenge and how it has changed their life.
Students applying must submit an essay where you explain, present, inspire, or otherwise convince us as to why you deserve to win this scholarship. There are no conditions or requirements for this essay. Please keep submissions to 1000 words at the absolute maximum. This is not a standardized test. While spelling, punctuation, and general cohesiveness will make your essay easier to read, and therefore judge, you are not being graded. The winning submission from each city will be one which clearly conveys a non-fictional story of your life before and after your challenging situation you overcame.
Len Sapda and the Spada Law Group believe that everyone should be given the opportunity to thrive, even in challenging situations. We will be honoring 10 students, 1 from each school, in the cities selected, to win a $500 scholarship to be used for school in the fall (*unrestricted-meaning for housing, books, or tuition). Terms and conditions apply.
Submission Eligibility and Criteria:
- Must be a Senior graduating, and in good standing at the time of selection and through graduation date
- Must be attending a 4 year, 2 year, or Accredited Trade School (Acceptance and Enrollment must be confirmed)
- Must have been a student of the school for 3 years or more (Photo I.D. and School Counselor confirmation)
Submission to Enter Criteria:
- between 800-1,000 words written: Tell Us A Challenging Situation You Overcame + How That Changed Your Life
- entry dates via online submission only between November 1, 2019-February 1, 2020.
Winners will be selected:
- Based on meeting all the above criteria
- 1 (one) winner per city will be selected and notified via email/phone by April 15, 2020.
Check Presentation Dinner:
To congratulate our winners we will be holding a dinner at Kowloon on May 1st or 6th, 2020. Winners and one guest (from each city) are invited to attend.
To apply, click Spada.