Year Up ( for Seniors )

Seniors – If you are not that interested in college, but you want to advance yourself professionally, consider Year Up.

Year Up is a one-year, intensive training program that provides talented and motivated, yet under-served young adults, ages 18-24, with a combination of hands-on skills development, coursework eligible for college credit, corporate internships, and wraparound support.

Year Up emphasizes academic and professional rigor, setting expectations high for quality of work and professional behavior. A strong structure guides students through the steps necessary for achieving success in the classroom and the workplace.

Year Up’s approach focuses on students’ professional and personal development to help them achieve economic self-sufficiency.

For the first six months of the program, students develop technical and professional skills in the classroom. Students then apply those skills during the second six months on an internship at one of Year Up’s corporate partners. Students take coursework eligible for college credit, earn an educational stipend, and are supported by staff advisors, professional mentors, dedicated social services staff, and a powerful network of community-based partners.

For more information, visit

Year Up representatives will be in the cafeteria during the lunches on the following days:

  • Wednesday, December 11
  • Friday, December 13
  • Wednesday, December 18

Contact your guidance counselor with any questions.

For more information, click Year Up