Syrian-Lebanese Women’s Club of Greater Boston ( A Society of Arab-American Women )

Scholarship Name: Syrian-Lebanese Women’s Club of Greater Boston ( A Society of Arab-American Women )

Status: CLOSED

Posted Date: January 15, 2020

Due Date: March 31, 2020

The purpose of this scholarship is to aid women of Syrian or Lebanese origin, graduating from high school, intending to pursue a four-year college education, and residing in Massachusetts within a 50-mile radius of Boston.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Applicant must be of recognized Syrian or Lebanese descent (at least one parent or grandparent must be of Syrian or Lebanese origin)
  • Applicant must be a citizen or be a permanent resident in the United States
  • Applicant must reside within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and within a 50-mile radius of Boston
  • Applicant must be a high school senior, graduating from an accredited high school and attending an accredited four-year college or university in the fall

For an application, click Syrian Lebanese