Essex County Fire Wardens Association Phillip A. Wood Memorial

Scholarship Name: Essex County Fire Wardens Association Phillip A. Wood Memorial

Status: CLOSED

Posted Date: February 28, 2020

Due Date: May 2, 2020

This is an annual scholarship awarded to a qualified applicant graduating from high school and seeking a degree in the following areas of study: Forestry, Botany, Horticulture, Soil Service, Plant Biology, Conservation, Watershed Management, Wildlife Management, Wildlife Biology, Animal and Veterinary Services, Park and Recreation Management, Fire Suppression and Fire Prevention.

This application should be completed, returned with a transcript of high school grades and a copy of the acceptance notice from the college or institute the applicant will be attending. The applicant may and should submit an other information deemed significant.

Three references should be submitted, one prepared by the guidance counselor and two additional references should be submitted by individuals who have knowledge of the applicant.

For an application, click Wood Memorial