SAT Directions for Juniors

SAT Directions 1          SAT Directions 2

Phone Call Delivered At 11:00 AM, Monday, March 23, 2020, To All Lynn English Juniors:

Good morning. This is Mr. Wilkins from Lynn English High School. I hope that you and your family are safe and well during this public health emergency. This message is intended for 11th grade students who plan to attend a four-year public or private college after graduating from high school. The Lynn English Guidance Department prepared a step-by-step document ( click links above…..Directions 1…..and then Directions 2 ) for you to register for the June SAT, which is a standardized test requirement for many colleges and universities. At the end of the document are resources for you to study and practice for the SAT while at home. Because the document was so large, it had to be posted in two sections to the Home Page of the Lynn English Guidance website, www.lehsguidance.orgWe encourage you to register for the June test date because you will be tested at Lynn English on that day. Additionally, because we are a free and reduced lunch school, you qualify for a waiver and do not have to pay for the SAT. Because events are changing daily, there is no guarantee that the June SAT will happen, but to be proactive, we encourage you to register if your post-graduate plan is to attend a four-year public or private college or university. Please stay up to date with SAT testing by visiting the College Board website. If you have any questions, please email your guidance counselor. Guidance counselor emails are in the Contact section of the Home tab. Be strong, remain safe, and please, follow all health guidelines issued by local, state and federal authorities. Take care. 

SAT Directions 1          SAT Directions 2

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