McMahon Publishing Group

Scholarship Name: McMahon Publishing Group

Status: CLOSED – Will not be offered for 2019-2020

Posted Date: 

Due Date: 

ONLY for students DEFINITELY playing a varsity sport in college. 

McMahon Publishing Group will be offering a $3,000 ( $12,000 total ) scholarship each year for four years of a college to a deserving student-athlete from Lynn English High School.

Any athlete will be considered, but special consideration will be given to athletes meeting the following criteria:

  1. Be a varsity athlete, male or female
  2. Have financial need
  3. Graduate with a minimum “C” average or better
  4. Plan to attend a four-year state college or university
  5. To maintain the scholarship while in college, you must be a member of a varsity sports team
  6. Each semester, your transcripts must be provided. A minimum 2.0 or “C” average is required to receive your scholarship funds.

In one envelope, submit six (6) copies of the application (  ) and six (6) copies of ALL accompanying documents to Mr. Wilkins in the Guidance Department by April 30.