Phone Call Home, 6:30 PM ( in English ) & 7:00 PM ( in Spanish )
Good evening. This is Mr. Wilkins from Lynn English High School. My colleagues and I hope that you and your family continue to be safe and well during this public health emergency. Please be advised that this message will be very long and include ten separate announcements. If you prefer not to listen, the entire message and everything referenced in it will also be posted to the main page of the Guidance website, You will have to scroll up and down the main page to view the following messages, documents and website links. First, with regards to the 9th and 10th grade MCAS exams, the Department of Education has not yet decided how to handle this year’s exams; for the time being, they have been delayed. Second, all quarterly Guidance curriculum lessons have been posted to the website and are intended to assist students with researching colleges and careers. Students are also reminded to check the Lynn English High School page of the Lynn Public Schools website for work assigned by their teachers. Third, the website has contact information for students and families in need of mental health resources. Fourth, the Apex online credit recovery program is now fully open only for those students previously assigned Apex classes. Fifth, SAT registration directions are posted for those 11th grade students planning to attend a four-year public or private college after high school. The SAT is free, but there is no guarantee that the June SAT will happen and you should check the College Board website for updates. Sixth, within the grade-level curriculum lessons, there are also directions for 10th and 11th grade students to participate in free SAT preparation programs. Seventh, for any students taking AP Advanced Placement classes, there is a message about free online tutorials offered by the College Board to prepare you for the AP exams that you will take online in the near future. Eighth, 11th grade students with a 3.0 or better GPA received an email through their Naviance account about the prestigious Posse Scholarship. Follow all specific directions in that email only if interested in applying to those five colleges mentioned. Ninth, seniors are encouraged to continue applying for scholarships, which are posted on the Scholarships page of the website under the Scholarships & Financial Aid tab. Seniors are also encouraged to submit the Local Scholarship application to their guidance counselor if interested in a multitude of scholarships based on strong academics. Seniors, please understand, because of the COVID-19 virus and the declining economy, there is no guarantee that all posted scholarships will be awarded or that the dollar amounts advertised will remain the same. The Scholarships page will be updated as information is communicated to the Guidance Department. Tenth, seniors, there are resources on the website to help you interpret college financial aid award letters. Finally, if students need Naviance or Apex user names or passwords reset, students need to email their guidance counselor with their full name, six-digit student ID number, email address and cell phone number. If either students or parents have any questions or concerns, please email the student’s guidance counselor. Students, please check your email for any messages sent by your guidance counselors using the Naviance system. Students and parents, please check the Guidance website on a regular basis in case new messages, information or resources are posted. Again, the website is Students, please know that we are thinking of you all and wish we could be in school with you. Be strong, remain safe, and please follow all health guidelines issued by local, state and federal authorities. Take care.
Ms. Baletsa –
Mr. Benecke –
Ms. Passanisi –
Mr. Pena –
Mr. Wilkins –
Mr. Zollo –