Guidance Department Phone Call Home

Good evening. This is Mr. Wilkins from Lynn English High School. I hope that your family is safe and well. This message will be long and include updates from the Guidance Department. If you prefer not to listen, the entire message and everything referenced in it will also be posted to the main page of the Guidance website, www.lehsguidance.orgSeniors – as a reminder, the Local Scholarship Application and all supporting documents should be sent in ONE email to your guidance counselor by this Monday, April 27th. Submission of the application puts you into consideration for scholarships based on strong academics. The Scholarship page of the website is malfunctioning and cannot be updated. Seniors should still apply for those scholarships listed and not past their due date; any new scholarships will continue to be emailed via Naviance. A new scholarship was emailed today for females attending North Shore Community College that covers all costs for two years. Lastly, seniors – if you have finalized your plans for after high school, please inform your guidance counselor via email and complete the Senior Survey in your Naviance account. Juniors – the June SAT has been cancelled; check the College Board website for updates on future testing opportunities. Juniors are encouraged to practice for the SAT on the Khan Academy website in preparation for fall exam dates. The Boston College Fair has also been cancelled, but information was posted to the Guidance website about the college search process and virtual college tours. If you want to get a head start on those college applications which require essays, the Common Application’s essays prompts were posted. Those juniors with a 3.0 or better GPA received an email through their Naviance account about the prestigious Posse Scholarship. Follow all specific directions in that email only if interested in applying to those five colleges mentioned. All Students – MCAS testing is cancelled for the remainder of the year. For those students taking AP Advanced Placement exams, updated testing information from the College Board has been posted to the Guidance website. Those students enrolled in Apex online classes prior to the shutdown can now complete classes at home with no restrictions. All Guidance college and career readiness lessons are available on the website, and students are encouraged, although not required, to complete them. Students and parents, please check the Guidance website on a regular basis in case new messages, information or resources are posted. Again, the website is Finally, with Governor Baker announcing yesterday that schools are closed for the remainder of the year, we know it will continue to be a challenging time for students, parents and families. And seniors, we are heart-broken for you not being able to end your high school years together and in celebration. Please know that your guidance counselors are here for all students. Email us with any questions or concerns. We are thinking of you all and hope you remain safe and well. Be strong and please follow all health guidelines issued by local, state and federal authorities. Take care.