College Board Update About the SAT

We’re working to ensure that students will have opportunities to take the SAT® to make up for this spring’s lost administrations. Today we’re sharing with you that we’ve added a new SAT administration for Saturday, September 26, 2020. This date will be for the SAT only, in the United States and internationally, with no SAT Subject Tests™ available. Sunday testing for religious reasons will be on September 27.

Registration for the 2020-21 SAT administrations will open the week of May 26. At that point, June registrants will be able to transfer their seat to a 2020-21 administration. All other students in the high school class of 2021 who don’t have SAT scores will also have early access to register for the August, September, and October administrations. This includes students who had registered for March or May and had their registrations canceled and refunded. For each administration this year, we’re also preparing to significantly expand our capacity.

Our top priorities are the health and safety of students and educators. Please note we’ll only move forward with the administrations if it’s safe to do so from a public health standpoint.

If you have questions, call Customer Service at 866-756-7346 (domestic) or +1-212-713-7789 (international). We’ll also regularly update our webpage with information.

Thank you for your partnership. We appreciate your understanding during this unprecedented time.


College Board