Senior Locker Cleanout
If you have any personal belongings in your locker, you will be allowed to come in this Thursday or Friday, May 21 or 22, and retrieve them.
You must come wearing gloves and a mask. Bring and return any textbooks you have at home. If you do not come in we will assume you had nothing you wanted to get and we will remove all contents and discard non-school related articles.
You must adhere to the following schedule:
Thursday, May 21
9 am-10 am
Homerooms: 100, 142, 144
10 am-11 am
Homerooms: 146, 148, 150
11am -12 pm
Homerooms: 200, 201, 202, 204
Friday, May 22
9am-10 am
Homerooms: 205, 207, 208
10 am-11am
Homerooms: 209, 210, 212, 135