Lynn Housing Survey

Lynn Housing Authority & Neighborhood Development, the City of Lynn, and the planning consultant, the Metropolitan Area Planning Council, launched a virtual open house aimed at collecting feedback for “Housing Lynn: A plan for inclusive growth.” The open house will expire next Monday, June 8, at 5:00 PM. More information about Lynn Housing and the online open house can be found at the plan’s website. To participate in the open house, residents can visit the online survey.

The yearlong planning process for the future document, aimed at increasing the city’s affordable housing stock, kicked off last September and is scheduled to wrap up in October.

The purpose of the open house is to get input on the goals and challenges for housing production that were identified in past public forms, stakeholder meetings and focus groups.

Although affordable housing is the main focus of the plan, there is also a need for workforce and market-rate housing. The plan will address non-housing issues that can affect housing, such as public health and school enrollment. The plan will include strategies on how to balance new development with keeping the city’s current housing stock affordable, and address displacement that stems from a number of factors.

Feedback from the open house, in addition to analysis of housing needs and development constraints and opportunities, will inform plan recommendations. After the survey expires, there will be a webinar for residents to hear from and ask questions of experts in market-rate and affordable housing development. Later in the process, the public will be engaged on zoning for residential development and will be asked to provide input on a draft of the plan.

AGAIN: More information about Lynn Housing and the online open house can be found at the plan’s website. To participate in the open house, residents can visit the online survey.