Massachusetts Broadcasters Association (MBA) Scholarship


The Massachusetts Broadcasters Association is committed to furthering the broadcast industry by helping Massachusetts’ best and brightest students pursue a career in broadcasting.

Students who are permanent residents of Massachusetts and plan to or are enrolled at an accredited institution of higher learning are encouraged to apply for the MBA’s Broadcaster Scholarship Program.  The MBA awards scholarships annually in the amount of $2,500 to students pursuing a career in over-the-air broadcasting.  In addition, a $5,000 is awarded in honor of the former President of the MBA, Al Sprague.

Scholarships must be filled out completely and returned to the MBA by email to and by mail to PO Box 857, Clark, NJ 07066.  Applications MUST be postmarked or emailed by Friday, April 16, 2021 or they will not be considered.  Incomplete or faxed applications will not be considered.  Student’s transcript may be mailed separately.

Participating MBA member stations will judge the applicants and all applicants will be notified as soon as possible whether or not a scholarship was awarded in their name.

The MBA will hold up to two scholarship ceremonies at participating MBA member stations.

To apply, click MBA.

Questions about the scholarship program can be directed to MBA Executive Director Jordan Walton at 800-471-1875 or by email to