Randolph Ivan Duttin Memorial Scholarship


Randolph Ivan Duttin was a dear friend and is truly missed. Those who knew him best would steadfastly agree that he lived his life to the beat of his own drum. This inspirational quality exemplified the spirit of ingenuity, individuality and entrepreneurial ship. Sadly, Randy was taken from us too soon. This scholarship has been set up to honor who he was and how he lived.

The ideal applicant is someone who is interested in owning and operating a business, i.e. an entrepreneur. Therefore, all applicants will be asked to write a basic business proposal. The plan should include the following items:

Basic Business Proposal:

  1. Introduction: 3-4 paragraphs about yourself with an emphasis on your entrepreneurial spirit.
  2. A description of the potential company: What type of business? What will the business be doing?
  3. A market/competitive analysis: Is there any demand for what you propose to do? Are there other companies that do what you will be doing? How do you plan to compete with the other firms?
  4. Operational analysis: What will be needed to get this business in operation? What are the start-up costs (office space, equipment, etc.)?
  5. A marketing plan: How do you plan on advertising/marketing your new business? How will you get the word out to your potential customers?
  6. Time frame: When do you plan on implementing this plan? How long?

The list above is not meant to be comprehensive, but is more of a way to collect your thoughts for the business plan. Feel free to be creative and include any additional information that you feel is pertinent.

The deadline for submission is Friday, April 30, 2021. Submission can be sent electronically via email to Pmeaney01@gmail.com. Once your business plan is completed and submitted, it will be reviewed and the applicants with the top proposals will be asked to interview. The winner will be given two $2,500.00 payments. The first payment will be given upon award, and the second will be given 6 months later, after a follow up progress meeting. If you have any questions feel free to email at the same above address. Good luck.

For a WORD application, click Randolph Ivan Duttin Memorial Scholarship

For a PDF application, click Randolph Ivan Duttin Memorial Scholarship