Dawn Angelopoulos Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is a memorial to Dawn Angelopoulos, a graduate of the Lynn English High School class of 1984. Dawn graduated from Salem State College with the class of 1989, was a strong supporter of public education, and believed in the need for available financial assistance for students in need.
A $2,000 non-renewable scholarship will be awarded each year in Dawn’s name to a member of the Lynn English High School graduating class.
The applicant must be at least a 2-year member of the graduating class of Lynn English High School.
The applicant must be accepted to and attend Salem State College for fall enrollment in the year of his/her high school graduation.
The applicant must provide the following:
- A copy of the letter of acceptance to Salem State College.
- A copy of their official high school transcript.
- A copy of the student aid report of the FAFSA.
- A completed application.
All of the above should be submitted in ONE email to YOUR guidance counselor for review on or before May 1, 2021.
For a WORD application, click Angelopoulos
For a PDF application, click Angelopoulos