Robin A. Martin Scholarship


$500 Scholarship

Applications are due on or before Monday, December 13, 2021. Responses should be answered in 12-point print. Applications must include the student’s Name, Address, City, State and Zip Code, (email optional), Parent or Guardian Contact information, High School, High School Telephone Number and Name of the current principal. Completed applications must be returned by mail to C.A.E.P. (2021-2022 Research Award and Scholarship) P.O. Box 71, Lynn, MA 01905 or emailed to

High School Student is required to complete research questions on five (5) institutions of higher education (College, University, Technical or Trade) Name of the Institution (Administration Office and Current President or Director)

1. What are the types of applications offered by the institutions and what are the deadlines.

2. What specific high school courses are required by the institutions a student takes. 4 Adams St Extension • Lynn, MA 01902 • P.O. Box 71, Lynn, MA 01905 (781) 595–1022 • • •2

3. Do the institutions require standardized tests? ( If so what test are required)

4. What is the required Grade Point Average (G.P.A)

5. What is the amount of tuition (instate and out of state tuition)

6. Do the institutions offer a merit scholarship and what are the qualifications?

7. What high school courses receive credit from the institutions.

8. What is a first choice major and how may the first choice major be changed.

9. Do the institutions require final transcripts (why or why not)

10. Are students allowed to defer admission to the institution to a future term.  (If so what are the requirements)

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For an application, click Robin A. Martin Scholarship

All questions should be directed to CAEP at 781-595-1022 or