NEACRAO: George Coleman Scholarship


George Coleman Scholarship Sponsored by the New England Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (NEACRAO).

Each year, the New England Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers awards scholarships to three high school graduates who will be enrolling in a NEACRAO member institution for the fall semester of that year. Each high school graduate who is selected is awarded $2,000*. Each recipient of the scholarship is selected from candidates who are recommended by New England secondary school counselor.

*Upon proof of enrollment at the NEACRAO member institution for the fall semester of that year.

In an effort to promote and reward academic excellence and the pursuit of a post-secondary degree, the New England Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers solicits from New England secondary school counselors the names of and recommendations for 2022 high school graduates who will be enrolling in a NEACRAO member institution in the fall of 2022.

To apply for the George Coleman Scholarship please fill out this application.

The Immediate Past President, Alexander Wolniak, serves as the Chair of the George Coleman Scholarship Committee, which is composed of the five most recent Past Presidents of NEACRAO. Once the selection process is completed, the Chair will communicate the Committee’s decision to the recipients of the scholarships and to those school counselors who recommended them.

Students will identify their school counselors for recommendations and we will reach out to them for the scholarship based on the following criteria:

  1. Strong academic performance
  2. Record of perseverance
  3. Compelling personal story or unique achievement

The scholarship committee will balance demographic and geographic consideration and select from a variety of institution types.

Consideration for the scholarship will be given to those applications submitted by March 1, 2022 electronically. The NEACRAO Scholarship Committee will review all scholarship applications that are received online by the March 1st deadline. In the event that no applications are made for the scholarship in a given year, the award set aside for that year shall be distributed in the following year.