Lynn Housing Authority Scholarship


The Governing Committee is pleased to announce the 24th Annual Lynn Housing Authority & Neighborhood Development (LHAND) scholarship program. In order to qualify you must be a Lynn resident. In addition, you must be enrolled in a two or four-year degree program or an alternative career pathway. Scholarship awards will be considered in each of the following categories:

  • A high school senior who is a Lynn resident
  • A high school senior who is a past or present participant of any Lynn Housing Authority & Neighborhood Development housing program or any family member thereof (which means someone who has or had a Rental Assistance or other housing voucher or who lived in LHAND managed public housing including the Brickyard Village and St. Jean Baptiste Apartments)
  • A high school senior who is a Lynn resident accepted into the education field. This category is in honor of former Chairperson of LHAND Board of Commissioners, Patricia Barton. Anyone that applies for this category must submit a letter of recommendation from his or her high school guidance counselor or a teacher at the school stating they are going into the educational field

If you have any questions, please contact Cathy Rowe at 339-883-2624 / or Kiara Palomares at 781-581-8614 /

To be eligible, completed applications and all supplemental information must be received by: Friday, April 22, 2022.

Applications will be accepted by mail or email. Please include your official transcript with the application.


Lynn Housing Authority & Neighborhood Development

Attn: Kiara Palomares

10 Church Street

Lynn, MA 01902

For an application, click…..