66th Annual Massachusetts AFL-CIO Scholarship Awards Program
We are pleased to announce the 66th Annual Massachusetts AFL-CIO Scholarship Awards Program. All graduating seniors in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts who are seeking a college degree or job training are eligible to compete. Scholarship awards this year total over half a million dollars.
Once again, exams will be online and will be available starting Monday, February 5, 2024, and Friday, February 9, 2024. All students will be taking the test at their high school. The exam proctor at each school will determine the testing date/time that is within the timeframe provided. Students can get further information by speaking with the guidance department.
All applicants must register online by visiting www.massaflcio.org/scholarships and submitting their application no later than Friday, December 22, 2023. All study materials including the study guide, flash cards, and quizzes are available at www.learnlaborhistory.com.