Red Pine


Eligibility Requirements:

  • US citizens and non-citizens are welcome to apply.
  • Permanent resident of Massachusetts.
  • Students must be able to prove their financial need for the scholarship via tax documents or enrollment in government support programs, and by filling out the FAFSA.
  • Adjusted gross family income (AGI) of $110,000 or less (as shown on your most recent tax returns).
  • Substantial unmet need (at least $5,000) as determined by college financial aid award letter (you will likely not know this at time of application).
  • Senior at accredited high school in Massachusetts.
  • Enrolling as a full-time freshman to pursue a Bachelor’s degree at a four-year college with a strong track record of supporting students through graduation and into successful careers.
  • Strong academic record (enrolled in a demanding, college-prep course of study).
  • Involved in a balance of community, school, and work activities.
  • Ability to articulate goals and future plans.

Deadline = February 13, 2025

To apply, click Red Pine.