Cell Signaling Scholarships
Cell Signaling Technology is currently offering eight scholarship opportunities worth $10,000 each, with an April 10, 2025 deadline. CST offers four Local Community Science Scholarships and four Racial Diversity in Science Scholarships. Students can apply for both scholarships, and the Local Community Scholarship will be considered first if a student qualifies for both. Both opportunities are available to graduating seniors who have committed to a STEM-related major at a 2 or 4-year accredited United States based college or university. Applicants must have or will complete an upper-level Science class. In addition, applicants must be either eligible for free/reduced lunch or be a first generation college student (first in their family).
The differences between the scholarship requirements are as follows:
Local Community Scholarship: Lynn, Salem, Peabody, Danvers, Beverly, or Gloucester.
Racial Diversity in Science Scholarship: Cities/Towns in Essex County, Massachusetts. Identify as a person of color (non-white)
To apply, click Cell Signaling.