Review your mid-quarter progress report and share it with your parents. Heed the warnings and follow the suggestions mentioned in the above October suggestions.
Sophomores will take the English Language Arts MCAS in March and the Mathematics MCAS in May. Visit the Massachusetts Department of Education website for the most updated information about the MCAS.
John and Abigail Adams Scholarship
The John and Abigail Adams Scholarship provides a tuition waiver for eight semesters of undergraduate education at a Massachusetts state college or university. The scholarship covers tuition only; fees and room and board are not included. Massachusetts public high school students are eligible for the scholarship when they: score at the Advanced and Proficient levels on grade 10 MCAS tests in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics. (A student must earn a score of Advanced on the ELA or Mathematics test and a score of Proficient or higher on the second test.); AND have a combined score that places them in the top 25% of the graduating class in their district. Eligibility for the scholarship is based on a student’s first attempt at taking the grade 10 tests in ELA and Mathematics. In order to receive the scholarship, students must be enrolled in a Massachusetts public high school in their senior year and will receive an award letter in the fall of their senior year. In order to claim the Adams Scholarship, the student must be a permanent legal resident of Massachusetts for at least one year prior to entering college as a freshman; a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the United States; and a graduate of a Massachusetts public high school. In order to use the scholarship the student must be accepted at a Massachusetts public college or university; complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA); send the Adams Scholarship award letter to the financial aid or bursars office at the college or university that he or she plans to attend; and enroll in a state college or university in the first semester following high school graduation. To continue receiving the Adams Scholarship, the student must continue to enroll full-time at a public higher education institution; maintain a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 on all college work; annually complete the FAFSA; and complete college/university studies within eight consecutive semesters. For additional information call 781-338-3678 or send an e-mail to
Koplik Certificate of Mastery with Distinction
The Koplik Certificate of Mastery with Distinction provides a tuition waiver for eight semesters of undergraduate education at a Massachusetts state college or university. The scholarship covers tuition only; fees and room and board are not included. Massachusetts public high school students are eligible for the scholarship when they meet the following criteria: Meeting the initial qualification by scoring in the Advanced and Advanced or the Advanced and Proficient categories on the grade 10 MCAS assessments in mathematics and English language arts; Meeting the second qualification by passing two additional standardized tests or passing one standardized test and providing documentation of another high academic achievement. A student may pass either two Advanced Placement (AP) exams with a score of 3 or above, two SAT Subject Tests, or one of each. For SAT Subject Tests, the minimum score required depends upon the subject. Please note that either an academic achievement or a college course in which the student earned a “B” or better can be substituted for one of the two required standardized tests. Here is a sample Koplik application – Application