Lynn Evening Education Program (L.E.E.P.)
LEEP is an alternative program for full-time day-school students who need to make up one or more courses that are required for graduation. LEEP is also an alternative program for students who do not attend day-school because of the following conditions: (a) the student is a dropout, (b) the student has poor attendance, (c) the student has teen pregnancy issues, (d) the student has outstanding court/legal issues, (e) the student is a DYS/DCF student, (f) the student is overage for their grade level, (g) the student is new to the country, (h) the student has severe discipline problems and (i) the student has felony complaints and has been suspended indefinitely from day-school. Four classes are held between the hours of 3:30 PM and 7:30 PM on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Full-time LEEP students are also expected to hold a steady day-time job. Interested students should contact their guidance counselor.
Fecteau-Leary Junior / Senior High School
The Fecteau-Leary School provides a nurturing learning environment for educationally at risk students who have not been successful in a traditional high school setting. The school offers small class sizes with a dedicated and nurturing staff in a highly structured environment. All new students and their parents are expected to attend a meeting with the principal to establish close communication between the home and school from the start. Philosophically, it is a program to help students who have become disenfranchised with school, by rebuilding and rekindling their interest and motivation for learning. Because of a low student / teacher ratio, a more personal and positive relationship can be achieved between students and staff. Educationally, the students follow Lynn’s standard based curriculum that is aligned with the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks. Small class sizes allow a more individualized approach to learning. Instruction is based on each student’s best individual learning style. The school also has additional opportunities for hands-on, interactive learning in daily vocational shop classes: Carpentry, Graphic Arts, Painting & Decorating and Culinary Arts. Beyond academics, the school tries to focus on current issues that face today’s teens. For more information, please click Fecteau-Leary.
Home Tutoring
Home tutoring is designed to be a short-term academic program. Each child, however, is assessed on an individual basis. Students are usually assigned to home tutoring for medical reasons. The home tutors work in conjunction with the assigned school by determining what academic work will be covered during the absence. When a child is ready to return, the goal is for a successful transition back to the child’s school. The place of instruction (i.e., home, library, school) is determined by medical need. The tutor will meet with the child for up to four (4) hours per week, which calculates to less than 15% of a regular week of instruction. Therefore, it is imperative that the student cooperates with the tutor, completing both homework and classwork. The child’s work is provided by and graded by their major subject teachers (i.e., English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies) from their school. If a child remains in home tutoring for a majority of the marking period, the home tutor will grade Pass / Fail / Incomplete; the child’s school will convert passing grades into credit. Contact your guidance counselor for more information.
Lynn Vocational Technical Institute
Students interested in applying to Lynn Tech for the fall must do so in the winter or spring of their freshman or sophomore year. They must obtain an application from their guidance counselor as early as possible. They must return a completed application to the Lynn Tech Guidance Office by the deadline set by the Director. Applicants will be interviewed at Lynn Tech. For more information, please click Lynn Vocational Technical Institute.
Lynn Classical High School
Students interested in transferring to Lynn Classical must bring a parent to the Parent Information Center and request a neutral transfer form. In order to allow principals the opportunity to conduct exit interviews with students, the signature of the sending principal must be obtained before a student obtains approval from the receiving principal. The sending principal will make every effort to discuss the potential transfer with the receiving principal in order to increase communication about the potential transfer as well as to minimize inconvenience for students and parents. If the receiving principal approves the transfer, the student and parent must return the neutral transfer form to the Parent Information Center. In addition to clearing any holds the student may have at the sending school, the student is also responsible for returning all sending school books and materials. For more information, please Lynn Classical.
Jobs Corps
Job Corps is a free education and training program that helps young people learn a career, earn a high school diploma or GED, and find and keep a good job. For eligible youth at least 16 years of age, Job Corps provides the all-around skills needed to succeed in a career and in life. If you or someone you know is interested in joining Job Corps, call (800) 733-JOBS or (800) 733-5627 where an operator will provide you with general information about Job Corps, refer you to the admissions counselor closest to where you live, and mail you an information packet. For more information, visit Massachusetts has centers in Grafton, Shriver and Westover.