Scholarship Name: Yes She Will
Status: CLOSED
Posted Date: April 7, 2020
Due Date: May 22, 2020 ( Deadline Extended From May 15, 2020 )
This full-boat scholarship (tuition and fees) is for a student who:
(1) is a low-income female student or a student who identifies as female AND
(2) is attending North Shore Community College or Northern Essex Community College AND
(3) is majoring in Biotechnology, Computer Networking/Programming, Engineering or Health/Medical/Nursing
Application Requirements:
(1) Complete this application by legibly printing/typing in blue or black ink. If you’re able to print, complete, scan and save the application, then do so. Otherwise, open the WORD document, erase the underlined areas, type in the necessary information, and save it. Please do not type more than fits the allotted area.
(2) Attach copies of Financial Aid Award Letter/Email and Fall 2020 bill (if available)
(3) Attach the first page of your SAR (Student Aid Report) if you completed the FAFSA; if you could not complete the FAFSA, you CAN still apply without this requirement
(4) Answer the following essay question in a less than 250 words, double-spaced response: From Your Heart: In very few words, do you have a passion or anything else you would like us to know about you? Please describe it simply and from your heart.
(5) In only ONE email to your guidance counselor, email this application and all above requirements by Friday, May 15, 2020. Your guidance counselor will complete the evaluation on the last page upon receiving. Your guidance counselor will also attach a transcript with 1st, 2nd & 3rd quarter grades.
Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
It will only be renewed if the student earns a B/B- average in all courses at the end of each college semester.
For an application, click The Yes She Will Scholarship